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Is black garlic good for reducing cholesterol?

fermented black garlic benefits

Black garlic is a great health ally and can help reduce cholesterol!

In previous appointments with the column, we discovered the origins of our Black Garlic of Voghiera and why we can count it among the superfoods.

In today's appointment, we look at why we should start using it if we exercise regularly or simply want to look after our health.

Indeed, Voghiera Black Garlic is not only an ingredient that can give a unique taste to your dishes. Black Garlic can also be a complementary food, for example to reduce cholesterol!

Fats? No, thanks!

The Black Garlic of Voghiera, produced with garlic of Voghiera P.D.O., is a product 100% natural and equally naturally low in fat. On average, per 100 g of product, only 0.1 g are fat and less than 0.1 are saturated fatty acids.

This means that it is a food that can rightfully enter the larder of even the most careful athletes without any fear. Not even the unpleasant aftertaste typical of common garlic.

Fibre, protein and minerals in quantity.

In addition to being low in fat, black garlic is a food rich in minerals - potassium, sulphur and phosphorus, above all -, fibre and protein. Plus, as if that were not enough, black garlic contributes to reduce cholesterol thanks to a special sulphur compound called s-allyl cysteine (or SAC)naturally present in fresh garlic and more concentrated in black garlic, which has been studied for years for its properties.

Aren't you curious to try it?

You can find it in selected shops and online, find out where!