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We are an innovative company combining tradition and technology, specialising in the transformation of white garlic into black garlic through advanced and unique processes.

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Born as StartUp in Ravenna in 2017 by the meeting between agriculture e technology, we are an innovative company in the field of developing and marketing fermented and matured garlic. The idea was born from the oriental fermentation culture and we developed the machinery ourselves to turn white garlic into black garlic in about 60 days.

What sets us apart? The technology, developed at 100% in-house by us, the fact that we have chosen to process garlic PDO from Voghiera (FE) first and foremost, and the fact that we are a group of friends, all technicians in love with gastronomy, research and good food, who have decided to set aside their comfort zones and enter the beloved world of food from their own skills and its own creativity.


At the centre of it all is the raw material, the territory representing and expressing, the respect for the supply chain.

For our Nero di Voghiera gourmet line, we carefully select only Garlic of Voghiera P.D.O.certified and protected by the Consorzio Produttori Aglio di Voghiera (Voghiera Garlic Producers' Consortium)a product of excellence that encapsulates the inimitable taste and beneficial properties of nature.

For our NERO&BIO line we choose white garlic from the best to certified organic Italianscarefully selected and cultivated in the respect for the territory. A concrete commitment to the sustainability and for the land protection.


The transformation plants were fully developed by us, from idea to design to implementation, hardware and software.

The treatment cells, each with a capacity of 2.5 tonnes, are equipped with an automation and control system for setting and monitoring the temperature and humidity optimal for the purposes of garlic processing.


What is the added value of having designed and built the systems in-house? Having acted autonomously has allowed us to develop a in-depth knowledge of fermentation and maturation processes at all levels, through a long journey of analysis, research, experimentation, mistakes, improvements until we have fully consolidated our know-how and our processing 'recipes'. This is why we are not only experts in black garlic but in all aspects of garlic processing: our black garlic is all-round expression of the territoryfrom the earth from which it is born white to the conception and realisation of the technology needed to make it black.